Diamond Spine- Home of Kirby Craft's Music

^^Songs I've written are here^^

Music I Enjoy
WARNING: Occasionally NSFW

A lot of random music I have been inspired by or think is worth listening to, check the "Inspirations" page for a more curated list.

Writings (Blog-type posts)


Who are you?

My name is Kirby Craft- I'm from Georgia and enjoy writing melodic songs in the classic American singer-songwriter vein. I mainly play guitar, piano and am currently learning harmonica and bass guitar.

Why 'Diamond Spine'?

1) It's a reminder to have a backbone- not letting fear stop you from doing what you want is easier said than done, but doing something hard starts with doing something simple.

2) You could also consider it the binding to my 'Big Book o'Songs'

3) It's fun to say 'Diamond Spine dot Online because it kind of rhymes' :)

Can I use your song(s) in my video/cover etc.?

All of my songs are in the public domain, feel free to use any of my songs in anything.

Are your songs on [this streaming service]?

I'm working to make sure my songs are on all relevant sites, I will upload everything here first though.

How do I know you've released new music or a new blogpost?

There won't be any announcements, it'll be a surprise to everyone, just check in every now and then and there will hopefully be new stuff.

Are you on Social Media?

No not really, there are probably accounts I made in the past but they are inactive- I do not plan on creating accounts for my music or to express my views.

Contact Kirby

Thank you for checking out my website! I hope you enjoy the songs and writings, feel free to share this site with your friends who are also interested in independent music. Good vibes.