Below are listed some random thoughts on how and why I write songs.
Honorable mentions-
My actual favorite song from Magma I found this year is this performance of 'Zess' but since it's 30+minutes I picked the first song I heard by them instead.
Honorable mentions-
I used to play games as a kid because they were fun, specifically because you could do things in the game you weren't allowed or able to do easily in real life, like fight people, fly, etc. but the older I get the more interested I am in ways video games and my life overlap. I also think video games are unique in that their storytelling can be interactive and able to express ideas and themes difficult to express in other mediums.
The games that I've enjoyed the most are from the Dragon Quest series, the YS series, the Final Fantasy series and other games like Lufia 2, Xenogears, Terranigma, Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Graces f (most Tales of games actually), and Breath of Fire 3 and 5. I also like Starfox 64, pretty much every Zelda game, Kingdom Hearts 1, and Grandia 1.
These are all story-focused games but I also like more gameplay-focused games like the ones from the Donkey Kong series, Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon (which will eventually get its own section along with Maplestory probably), I have an extreme love/hate vibe with the Rayman series but the Tony Hawk series is amazing- and finally Tetris is pretty cool.
All of the games I've mentioned have really good soundtracks and are generally worth playing (you'll have to emulate some of them but it's worth it), they aren't necessarily easy especially if you're new to video games, but overall I'd just like to recommend these games and game series if you're interested in interactive storytelling or good music and art.